Ephraim Meir-Auteur- Ressources de la Bibliothèque
Impressions of the Rosenzweig Congress in Jerusalem, 2019 (Frank Hahn)
Podcast — Center of Theological Inquiry
Buddhism in Dialogue with Contemporary Societies, University of Hamburg
Respondent: Prof. Ephraim Meir, 20.06.2018
E. Lévinas, "Nom d'un chien ou le droit naturel”, id., Difficile liberté. Essais sur le judaïsme (Collection Présences du judaïsme), Paris 1963; biblio essais, 4019 Paris 1988, pp. 213-216. Hebrew translation in cooperation with Hanan Elstein, Da’at 38 (1997), 127-129.
E. Lévinas, “Éducation et prière”, id., Difficile liberté. Essais sur le judaïsme (Collection Présences du judaïsme), Paris 1963; biblio essais, 4019 Paris 1988, pp. 374-379. Hebrew translation, introduced and annotated by E.Meir, in Hagut- Jewish Educational Thought. 2, Jerusalem 2000, 11-17.
E. Lévinas, “Une religion d’adultes”, id., Difficile liberté. Essais sur le judaïsme (Collection Présences du judaïsme), Paris 1963; biblio essais, 4019 Paris 1988, pp. 24-42. Hebrew translation by E. Meir, K. Patrick and M. Meir, annotated by E.Meir, Iyunim bitkumat Israel. Studies in Zionism, the Yishuv and the State of Israel, 15 (2005), 25-37.
E. Lévinas, “Antihumanisme et éducation”, id., Difficile liberté. Essais sur le judaïsme (Collection Présences du judaïsme), Paris 1963; biblio essais, 4019 Paris 1988, pp. 385-401. Hebrew translation by E. Meir, K. Patrick and M. Meir, annotated by E. Meir, in Joseph David (ed.), Questioning Dignity. On Human Dignity as Supreme Moral Value in the Modern Society, Jerusalem The Israel Democracy Institute and Magnes Press, 2006, 245-260.
"Il faut savoir passer d'un langage à l'autre. " Une des dernières interviews d'Emmanuel Levinas en 1992, avec Jacob Golomb et Ephraïm Meïr, Pardès 51 (2012), 153-165.
Conference Organisation
Organisation (with Prof. H. Heinemann) of the congress “Abraham’s Presence in the Three Monotheistic Religions”, Neve Ilan, April 16-18, 1996.
Organisation (with Prof. J. Rosenberg) of the congress “The Philosophical Roots of Anti-Semitism”, Bar–Ilan University, June 20, 1996.
Organisation of the one day congress “The Song of Songs in Jewish Thinking and in the Consciousness of Mankind”, Gabriel House, Lac of Tiberias, Tsemah, Octobre 31, 1996.
Organisation (with Prof. H.Heinemann) of the congress "Religiöse Erziehung im Judentum, Islam, und Christentum”, Kassel (Germany), June 30- July 3, 1997.
Organisation (avec le Prof.J. Elkouby) du Colloque International "Traduction et herméneutique du langage biblique", Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg, 26-27 June 2001.
Organisation (with Prof. T. Schramm) of the one day “Franz Rosenzweig-Kolloquium”, June 18, 2002, Hamburg University, Faculty of Evangelic Theology.
Organisation (with Prof. Thomas Böning) of a two day bi-national conference “Love in Literature, Philosophy, Theology and Psychoanalysis”, November 8/9, 2005, Goethe Institut, Jerusalem. The conference was made possible by the Deutscher Akademisher Austausch Dienst (DAAD).
Organisation (with Prof. Thomas Böning and Prof. Gaby Motzkin) of a three day conference “Hellenic and Jewish in Modern European Culture: Ways of Reading Text”, June 26-28, 2006, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. The conference was made possible by the Deutscher Akademisher Austausch Dienst (DAAD), in co-operation with The Van Leer Institute.
Organisation (with Prof. Haviva Pedaya) of a conference at the occasion of the publication of the Jubilee Volume in Honor of Rivka Horwitz, Van Leer, Jerusalem, February 27, 2007.
Organisation of a conference at the occasion of the publication of the posthumously published book of Jochanan Silman z"l on the philosophy of Halakhah, Bar-Ilan, December 24, 2012.