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“The Idea of Revelation in Levinas” ( Hebrew), in Daat. A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 30 (1993), 41-52.
“The Place of the Land of Israel and the State of Israel in the Writings of E. Levinas” (Hebrew), in Metaphora. Philosophical Journal 3 (1993), 41-61.
”Ian T. Ramsey's Theory on Religious Language: Disclosure and Moral Behaviour," in A. Sagi and D. Statman (eds.), Between Religion and Ethics, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan, 1993, 7-22.
”The Dimension of the Feminine in Levinas’ Philosophy”, in Iyyun-The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 43 (1994), 145-152.
”La presenza biblica nella cultura ebraica contemporanea: M. Buber- F. Rosenzweig-E. Levinas”, in S.J. Sierra (ed.), La lettura ebraica delle Scritture, Bologna: Dehoniane,1995, 465-495.
“Criticism of the ‘Myth’ of Unio Mystica in E. Levinas”(Hebrew), in H. Pedayah (ed.), Myth in Judaism (Eshel Beer-Sheva, 4), Beersheba: Ben-Gurion University, 1996, 393-405.
”The Contributions of Modern Thought to a Psychoanalytic Phenomenology of Groups”, in Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought 19, 4 (1996), 563-578.
”Levinas’s Thinking on Religion as beyond the Pathetic: Reflections on the First Part of Difficult Freedom", in E.L. Fackenheim-R. Jospe (eds.), Jewish Philosophy and the Academy, London: Associated University Presses, 1996, 142-164.
”Philosophical Reflections on Moral Sense Perversity as a Denial of the Reality Principle”, in J.J. Rozenberg (ed.), Sense and Nonsense. Philosophical, Clinical and Ethical Perspectives, Jerusalem 1996, 27-42.
“War and Peace in the Philosophy of E. Levinas”, in Iyyun-the Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 45 (1997), 471-479.
“Teaching Mendelssohn's Concept of Jewish Singularity: Implications for an Israeli Student”, in R. Jospe (ed.), Paradigms in Jewish Philosophy, London: Associated University Presses, 1997, 147-165.
”Teaching Levinas on Revelation", in R. Jospe (ed.), Paradigms in Jewish Philosophy, London: Associated University Presses, 1997, 257-279 (= a slightly different version of entry nr. 8).
“The Talmudic Hermeneutics of E. Levinas” (Hebrew), in Revista Universidad Hebraica 1, 2 (1997), 101-110.
”Die Idee der Teschuwa im Denken André Nehers", in C. Miething (ed.), Judentum und Moderne in Frankreich und Italien (Romania Judaica 2), Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1998, 129-143.
“Jewish Dialogical Philosophy and its Implications for Education” (Hebrew), in Hagut - Jewish Educational Thought.1 , Jerusalem 1998, 127-141.
“The Challenge of Religious Education in the Secular State of Israel", in C. Miething (ed.), Politik und Religion im Judentum (Romania Judaica 4), Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999, 173-186.
"Les écrits professionnels et confessionnels d'Emmanuel Lévinas ", in D. Cohen-Lévinas and S. Trigano (eds.), Emmanuel Lévinas - Philosophie et judaïsme (Pardès 26 ), Paris: In press, 1999, 101-114.
“La philosophie de Lévinas, sacrificielle et naïve? S'agit-il d'un drame? A propos d'un ouvrage récent de Daniel Sibony", in Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses 81, 1 (2001), 63-79.
“The Polemic-Ideological Reading and Its Alternative” (Hebrew), in Hagut- Jewish Educational Thought. 2, Jerusalem 2000, 19-34.
“Moses Mendelssohn's Jerusalem from Levinas' Perspective", in M. New-R. Bernasconi- R.A. Cohen (eds.), In Proximity – Emmanuel Levinas and the Eighteenth Century, Lubbock Texas: Texas Tech University Press, 2001, 243-259.
“David Hartman on the Attitudes of Soloveitchik and Heschel towards Christianity", in J.W. Malino (ed.), Judaism and Modernity: The Religious Philosophy of David Hartman, Jerusalem: Shalom Hartman Institute, 2001, 253-265.
“Verità e giustizia nella filosofia di Emmanuel Lévinas in relazione all’io-tu e all’io-esso di Martin Buber”, in P.Amodio-G.Giannini-G.Lissa (eds.), Lévinas e la cultura del XX secolo (Cultura Filosofica e Scienze Umane 3), Napoli: Giannini, 2001, 209-235.
”Goethe’s Place in Rosenzweig’s Star of Redemption”(Hebrew), in Daat-A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 48 (2002), 97-107.
”The Unpublished Correspondence Between Franz Rosenzweig and Gritli Rosenstock-Huessy On The Star of Redemption “, in Jewish Studies Quarterly 9 (2002), 21-70.
”Buber’s Dialogical Interpretation of the Binding of Isaac- between Kierkegaard and Hasidism”(Hebrew), in M. Hallamish- H. Kasher- Y. Silman (eds.), The Faith of Abraham. In the Light of Interpretation throughout the Ages, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan, 2002, 281-293.
“Love and Truth in the Jewish Consciousness according to Abraham Joshua Heschel” (Hebrew), in Hagut-Jewish Educational Thought. 3-4, Jerusalem 2002, 141-150.
“Ethics, Politics and God in the Writings of E. Levinas”(Hebrew), in Democratic Culture, vol. 6 (2002), 111-133.
“Les écrits professionnels et confessionnels d’Emmanuel Lévinas”, in D.Cohen-Lévinas and S. Trigano (eds.), Emmanuel Lévinas. Philosophie et judaïsme (Lettres promises), Paris: In press, 2002, pp.127-143 (= item nr.24).
“Das Denken ‘À Dieu’- Das Denken ‘zu Gott hin’. Woran ich beim Aussprechen des Wortes ‘Gott’ denke”, in J. Ebach, H.-M. Gutmann, M.L. Frettlöh and M. Weinrich (eds.), Gretchenfrage. Von Gott reden- aber wie? Band II, Gütersloh 2002, pp. 125-134.
“Gerechtigkeit, nicht Rache als Aufarbeitung der Geschichte”, in Friede mit friedlichen Mitteln. Neue Herausforderungen fűr die Religionen, Herausgeber: Kontakstelle fűr Weltreligionen. Weltkonferenz der Religionen fűr den Frieden, Innsbruck-Wien 2002, pp.134- 141. =“Love and Justice in Jewish Collective Memory”, Jerusalem Summit Publication Tel-Aviv 2004, pp.3-13. (= a slightly different version of the preceding item)
“Truth and Ethics in Levinas’s Philosophy Compared to Buber’s I-Thou and I-It”(Hebrew), in Daat-A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 50-52 (2003), 423-439 (=item nr.29).
“Lernen und Lehren in der ständing sich wandelnden Welt der Kommunikation. Gedanken und Fragen zur Wissensgesellschaft”, in Im Gespräch. Hefte der Martin-Buber Gesellschaft 7 (2003), pp. 61-68.
“The Shoa as a Crime against Humanity: Reflections on Civilization and its Annihilation", in J.J. Rozenberg (ed.), Bioethical and Ethical Issues Surrounding the Trials and Code of Nuremberg. Nuremberg Revisited (Symposium Series 74), Lewiston NY: Edwin Mellen, 2003, 167-186.
“’Transition’, ‘Threshold’ and ‘Gate’ in Star of Redemption”, in M.Brasser (ed.), Rosenzweig als Leser. Kontextuelle Kommentare zum “Stern der Erlösung”, Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2004, 509-519.
“The Shoa as the Forgetting of the Law. From Lyotard till Bursztein”(Hebrew), in Jean-Gérard Bursztein, Psychoanalysis of Nazism. Essay on the Destruction of Civilization (Hebrew), Tel Aviv: Resling, 2004, 9-20.
“La notion de la révélation dans la ‘théologie des profondeurs’ de Heschel et la métaphysique éthique de Lévinas”, Gérard Rabinovitch (ed.), Abraham J. Heschel . Un tsaddiq dans la cité (Collection Voix), Paris: Nadir , 2004, 155-186.
“Buber’s and Levinas’s Attitudes toward Judaism”, Peter Atterton, Matthew Calarco and Maurice Friedman (eds.), Levinas and Buber. Dialogue and Difference, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania: Duquesne University Press, 2004, 133-156. = “La actitud de Buber y Levinas hacía el Judaísmo” in id., Levinas y Buber : Diálogo y diferencias (Colección Estudios y Reflexiones), Ediciones Lilmod.
“The Relevance of the Gritli-Letters to the Clarification of Key Concepts and Central Ideas in Rosenzweig’s Star of Redemption”, Luc Anckaert , Martin Brasser and Norbert Samuelson (eds.), The Legacy of Franz Rosenzweig . Collected Essays (Louvain Philosophical Studies 18), Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2004, 3-32.
“Our Jewish Identity according to André Neher” (Hebrew), Yehoyada Amir (ed.), André Neher and Jewish Thought in Post-Holocaust France, Jerusalem: Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2005, 99-113.
“Religion and State in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas” (Hebrew), Aviezer Ravitzky (ed.), Religion and State in Twentieth-Century Jewish Thought, Jerusalem: the Israel Democracy Institute, 2005, 409-424.
“Guilt and Responsibility as Characteristics of the Answerable Man in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas" (Hebrew), Yehoyada Amir (ed.), The Path of the Spirit. The Eliezer Schweid Jubilee Volume. Volume Two, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2005, 851-865.
“Les anthropomorphismes dans la Bible et dans la tradition juive: des images de Dieu?”, Revue des sciences sociales 34 (2005), 170-175.
“Emmanuel Levinas’s Thoughts on States and the State of Israel“ (Hebrew), Iyunim bitkumat Israel. Studies in Zionism, the Yishuv and the State of Israel, 15 (2005), 39-52.
“The Utopia of Peace and the Topic of Politics in E. Levinas’ Œuvre” (Hebrew), in Michael F. Mach and Yoram Jacobson (eds.), Historiosophy and The Science of Judaism (Te‘uda. The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies Research Series), Tel Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, 2005, 215-229.
“Characteristics of Franz Rosenzweig’s Gritli-Letters”, Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (ed.), Franz Rosenzweigs “neues Denken”. Internationaler Kongress Kassel 2004. Band II. Erfahrene Offenbarung – in theologos, Freiburg/München: Karl Alber, 2006, 1181-1194.
“Reinterpreting Judaism in the German Context: On German-Jewish Thinkers as Jews and Germans“, Ben Mollov (ed.), The Legacy of the German-Jewish Religious and Cultural Heritage: A Basis for German-Israeli Dialogue? Proceedings of an International Conference Held at Bar-Ilan University June 1, 2005, Jerusalem: Yuval Press 2006, 25-35.
“Reading Buber’s ‘I and You’ as a Guide to Conflict Management and Social Transformation”, Ben Mollov (ed.), The Legacy of the German-Jewish Religious and Cultural Heritage: A Basis for German-Israeli Dialogue? Proceedings of an International Conference Held at Bar-Ilan University June 1, 2005, Jerusalem: Yuval Press 2006, 119-131.
“Lebendiges Judentum. Levinas und der Historismus der ‘Wissenschaft des Judentums’ des 19. Jahrhunderts”, Frank Miething and Christoph von Wolzogen (eds.), Après vous. Denkbuch für Emmanuel Levinas 1906-1995, Frankfurt a.M.: Neue Kritik, 2006, 139-175.
“Hellenic and Jewish in Levinas’s Writings”, Veritas. Revista de filosofia 51,2 (2006), pp.79-88.
“Emmanuel Levinas on Theodicy and Evil“, Haviva Pedaya and Ephraim Meir (eds.), Judaism, Topics, Fragments, Faces, Identities. Jubilee Volume in Honor of Rivka, Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University, 2007, 31-51.
“Franz Rosenzweig’s Inexpressible Joy” (together with Raphael Jospe), Haviva Pedaya and Ephraim Meir (eds.), Judaism, Topics, Fragments, Faces, Identities. Jubilee Volume in Honor of Rivka, Beersheba: Ben-Gurion University, 2007, 53-68.
“Eroticism in Emmanuel Levinas’s Oeuvre. Towards a Philosophy of the Caress”(Hebrew), Benjamin Ish-Shalom (ed.), BeDarkhei Shalom. Studies in Jewish Thought Presented to Shalom Rosenberg, Jerusalem: Beit Morasha, 2007, 499-512.
“How to Think Death from Time and not Time from Death”(Hebrew), in E. Levinas, Death and Time (Hebrew), Tel Aviv: Resling, 2007, 7-13.
“Das Abrahamitische Abenteuer (Er)Leben,” in W. Weiße (ed.), Theologie im Plural. Eine akademische Herausforderung (Religionen im Dialog. Band 1) (Münster: Waxmann, 2008), 33-40.
“Innerjüdische Debatten über den Dialog. Hintergründe des Dokuments Dabru emet“, in Siegfried von Kortzfleisch, Wolfgang Grünberg, Tim Schramm (eds.),Wende-Zeit im Verhältnis von Juden und Christen, Berlin:EBVerlag 2009, 283-300.
„Die Gegenwärtigkeit des Sinnes: Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Glaube bei Franz Fischer,“ in Religionskritik. Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie 41, edited by Rudolf Langthaler and Michael Hofer, Vienna: Braumüller, 2009, 159-172.
“Die Stellung Goethes in Franz Rosenzweigs ‚Stern der Erloesung’", in Friedrich Brandi-Hinnrichs, Wolfgang Gruenberg, Annegret Reitz-Dinse (eds.), Verstecke Gottes zwischen Kultur und Religion (Kirche in der Stadt 14), Berlin:EBVerlag, 2010, 72-90 = nr. 30.
"Fischer's Essay 'Love and Wisdom' in Light of Jewish Dialogical Thought", in Die Bildung von Gewissen und Verantwortung – Zur Philosophie und Paedagogik Franz Fischers (Franz Fischer Jahrbuecher), 2010, Norderstedt and Leipzig: Anne Fischer Verlag and Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 226-245.
"Introduction" to Aviezer Cohen (ed.), Franz Rosenzweig: The Star and The Man. Collected Studies by Rivka Horwitz, Beersheva: Ben Gurion University, 2010, 13-16.
"Le 'très bien' et la finitude de l'existence selon Rabbi Méir, la Kabbale et Rosenzweig", in M. Tapiero (ed.), Fondements de l'Hunmanité, Paris: Cerf, 2010, 215-230.
"Janusz Korczak's Care for the Little Ones in Light of Jewish Tradition," in Monika Kaminska, Dialogische Paedagogik und die Beziehung zum Anderen. Martin Buber und Janusz Korczak im Lichte der Philosophie von Emmanuel Levinas (Juedische Bildungsgeschichte in Deutschland 7), Muenster: Waxmann, 2010, 9-16.
"Judaism and Philosophy: Each Other's Other in Levinas", Modern Judaism 30,3 (2010), 348-362.
"The Non-Identical Self, Autonomy and Heteronomy: A Response to Hannah Hashkes," in The Journal of Textual Reasoning 7, 1 (2012), 1-8.
"Sigmund Freud’s Moses and His Reappearance: the Forgotten and the Unforgettable," in Da'at. A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 73 (2012), v-xxviii.
"Introduction. Eva Jospe and Martin Buber: An Encounter," in Raphael Jospe and Dov Schwartz (eds.), Encounters in Modern Jewish Thought: The Works of Eva Jospe. Volume One: Martin Buber, Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013, xxv-xxxiii.
“Building Stones for an Interreligious Dialogue and Theology,” in Wolfram Weisse, Katajun Amirpur, Anna Körs, Dörthe Vieregge (eds.), Religions and Dialogue. International Approaches (Religions in Dialogue 7), Münster : Waxmann 2014, 125-135.
“The Buber-Rosenzweig Bible Translation as Jewish Exegesis,” in Daniel Krochmalnik and Hans-Joachim Werner (eds.), 50 Jahre Martin Buber Bibel. Beitraege des Internationalen Symposiums der Hochschule für jüdische Studien Heidelberg und der Martin Buber-Gesellschaft (Altes Testament und Moderne 25), Berlin: LIT, 2014, 87-120.
“The Meaning of the Abrahamic Adventure in Levinas’s Thought,” in Yael Lin (ed.), Levinas Faces Biblical Figures, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2014, 19-34.
“Otherness and a Vital Jewish Religious Identity,” in Hava Tirosh-Samuelson and Aaron W. Hughes (eds.), Jewish Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century. Personal Reflections (Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, vol. 23), Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2014, 229-247.
“Rosenzweig’s New Law,” in Gebot, Gesetz, Gebet. Love, Law, Life (Rosenzweig yearbook 8/9), Freiburg: Alber, 2014, 178-192.
“Judaïsme et philosophie dans les Carnets de captivité d’Emmanuel Levinas,” in Danielle Cohen-Levinas (ed.), La pensée juive. Séminaire (Collège des Bernardins), Paris: Parole et Silence, 2014, 131-150.
“Some Reflections on the Commandment ‘You Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord Your God In Vain’ (Ex. 20:7),” in Inci Dirim, Ingrid Gogolin, Dagmar Knorr, Marianne Krueger-Potratz, Drorit Lengyel, Hans H. Reich, Wolfram Weisse (eds.), Impulse fuer die Migrationsgesellschaft. Bildung, Politik und Religion (Bildung in Umbruchsgesellschaften 12), Münster:Waxmann, 2015, 137-144
“Zu einer ‘proflexiven’ Philosophie und ‘Proligion’ – eine Inbeziehungsetzung der Philosophie Franz Fischers zum dialogischen Ansatz Martin Bubers,” in Regina Grundmann und Assaad Elias Kattan (eds.), Jenseits der Tradition? Tradition und Traditionskritik in Judentum, Christentum und Islam, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015, 89-110
“Interreligious Dialogue in a Jewish Perspective,” in Katajun Amirpur and Wolfram Weisse (eds.), Religionen, Dialog, Gesellschaft. Analysen zur gegenwaertigen Situation und Impulse fuer eine dialogische Theologie, Münster: Waxmann, 2015, 151-160.
“Violence and Peace from a Jewish Perspective,“ in Fernando Enns and Wolfram Weisse (eds.), Gewaltfreiheit und Gewalt in den Religionen. Politische und theologische Herausforderungen (Religionen im Dialog 9), Münster: Waxmann, 2015, 277-284.
"Rereading Rosenzweig in View of the Construction of an Interreligious Theology," in Avi Elqayam and Haviva Pedaya (eds.), The Flint into a Fountain of Waters. Studies in Kabbalah, Jewish Law, Custom and Philosophy Submitted to Prof. Moshe Hallamish, Jerusalem: Carmel, 2016, vi-xxxiii.
"Gritli (Rosenstock-Huessy)," in S. Malka (ed.), Le dictionnaire Franz Rosenzweig. Une étoile dans le siècle, Paris: les Editions du Cerf, 2016, 156-158.
"Théologie (interreligieuse)," in S. Malka (ed.), Le dictionnaire Franz Rosenzweig. Une étoile dans le siècle, Paris: les Editions du Cerf, 2016, 379-384.
"Die Relevanz moderner jüdischer Philosophie für interreligiöse Begegnungen als Dialog und als herausfordernder Appell. Eine Antwort auf Andreas Markowsky," in Katajun Amirpur, Thorsten Knauth, Carola Roloff, Wolfram Weiße (eds.), Perspektiven dialogischer Theologie. Offenheit in den Religionen und eine Hermeneutik des interreligiösen Dialogs (Religionen in Dialog 10), Münster: Waxmann,2016, 131-139.
"Kommentar zum Vorhaben einer dialogischen Theologie," in Katajun Amirpur, Thorsten Knauth, Carola Roloff, Wolfram Weiße (eds.), Perspektiven dialogischer Theologie. Offenheit in den Religionen und eine Hermeneutik des interreligiösen Dialogs (Religionen in Dialog 10), Münster: Waxmann,2016, 345-354.
"Geleitwort," in Michaela Will, Pfarramt und Rabbinat. Identitätskonstruktionen im Dialog, Nordhausen: T. Bautz, 2016, 12-1
"Religionssensibilität und Soziale Arbeit," in M. Nauerth, K. Hahn, M. Tüllmann, S.Kösterke (eds.), Religionssensibilität in der Sozialen Arbeit. Positionen, Theorien, Praxisfelder, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2017, 182-197.
"Die Frage nach Zugehörigkeit: Trennlinie oder Brücke," in W. Weiße, F. Enns (eds.), Reformation, Aufbruch und Erneuerungsprozesse von Religionen (Religionen im Dialog 11), Münster-New York: Waxmann, 2017, 141-152.
Da Nostra Aetate a Papa Francesco. Una retrospettiva ebraica," in Gabriella Caponigro (ed.), Figli di Abramo. Il dialogo fra religioni cinquant'anni dopo Nostra Aetate (Philosophica 190), Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2017, pp.59-70.
"The Question of Holiness," in Hans-Christoph Goßmann and Michaela Will (eds.), 'Siehe, wie gut and schön es ist, wenn Geschwister beieinander wohnen'. Festschrift für Wolfgang Seibert (Jerusalemer Texte 18), Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, 2017, 44-48.
"Trans-different Thoughts," Itinerari. Annuario di ricerche filosofiche 1 (2018), 37-52.
"The Relevance of Buber's Category of 'Presence' for the Interreligious Dialogue and the Construction of a Dialogical Theology," in Archivio di filosofia LXXXVI, 2 (2018), 237-246.
"The Lofty Possibility of Trans-Difference," in Avi Elqayam and Ariel Malachi (eds.), A Tribute to Hannah. Jubilee Book in Honor of Hannah Kasher (The Series of Jewish Philosophy), Tel-Aviv: Idra, 2018, 127-141.
"Buber's Contribution to an Interreligious Theology," in Ursula Frost, Johannes Waßmer and Hans-Joachim Werner (eds.), Dialog und Konflikt. Das dialogische Prinzip in Gesellschaft, Religion, Politik und Philosophie (Martin Buber-Studien 3), Bodenburg: Edition AV, 2018,183-202.
"Dialogical Theology Moored in Buber's Dialogical Philosophy," in Zeitschrift für christlich-jüdische Begegnung im Kontekst 1,2 (2018),76-84.
"Traces of Jewish Pre-Philosophical Experiences in Levinas’s Philosophy" (Polish), in Janusz Dobieszewski,Stanislaw Krajewski and Jakub Mach (eds.), Epistemologia, Cracow: Universitas, 2018, 351-361.
"Plurality and Unity in Heschel's Thought" (Hebrew), in Benjamin Ish-Shalom and Dror Bondi (eds.), Get Thee; Studies in Abraham Joshua Heschel's Oeuvre, Tel-Aviv: Idra, 2018, 133-148.
"Preface," in E. Meir, M. Handelman, C. Wiese (eds.), The »And« in Franz Rosenzweig’s Work. Clashes and Encounters between Faiths, Cultures, Classes and Nations ( Rosenzweig Yearbook 11), Freiburg and Munich: Karl Alber, 2018, 9-13.
"Rosenzweig’s Contribution to a Dialogical Approach of Identity and to Interreligious Theology," in E. Meir, M. Handelman, C. Wiese (eds.), The »And« in Franz Rosenzweig’s Work. Clashes and Encounters between Faiths, Cultures, Classes and Nations ( Rosenzweig Yearbook 11), Freiburg and Munich: Karl Alber, 2018, 38-50.
"Dialogue. Its Chances, Hindrances and Limits," in Helmut Schneider and Dirk Stederoth (eds.), Dialektik und Dialog. Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik zum 80. Geburtstag (Kasseler Philosophische Schriften – Neue Folge 9), Kassel: Kassel University Press, 2019, 79-90.
"Patterns of Education in Modern Jewish Philosophy," in Theologische Quartalschrift 199 (2019), 97-117.
"Ist Dialog immer möglich? Peter Berger zu Religion und Gewalt," in Wolfram Weiße and Silke Steets (eds.), Im Gespräch mit Peter L. Berger. Eine Gedenkschrift zu den Perspektiven und Grenzen religiöser Pluralität (Religionen im Dialog 15), Münster: Waxmann, 2019, 43-48.
"Interreligious Encounter and Human Rights. A Jewish Vantage Point," in Anna Körs, Wolfram Weisse and Jean-Paul Willaime (eds.), Religious Diversity and Interreligious Dialogue, Cham: Springer, 2020, 311-326.
"Religious Violence: A Jewish Philosopher's Perspective," in Fresh Thinking. Magazine of the Center of Theological Inquiry, April 19, 2020.
“Der ‘heilshafte Transzendenzbezug’ und das Anliegen eines religiösen Pluralismus im Judentum,” In Dialog und Transformation. Auf dem Weg zu einer pluralistischen Religiongspädagogik, Ein Diskussionspapier, Bonn 2020, pp. 11-17.
"Reading 'Jewish Theology and World Religions' from the Perspective of a Dialogical Theology from a Jewish Vantage Point", in Contemporary Jewry 40 (2020), pp. 121-136.
“Miracles--Modern Judaism,” in C. Helmer, S.L. McKenzie, Th. Römer, J. Schröter, B.D. Walfish, E.J. Ziolkowski (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) Online, Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, 1200 words.
“Between Thich Nhat Hanh and Martin Buber. A Virtual Encounter,” in Ursula Frost, Ulrich Gorki, Wolfgang Krone and Johannes Waßmer (eds.), Dialog als Prinzip. Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Werner, Bodenburg: Verlag Edition AV, 2020, 91-119.
“Wonder, Gratitude, and Justice as Ingredients for a Jewish Eco-Theology,” in Eckart Ehlers and Katajun Amirpur (eds.), Middle East and North Africa: Climate, Culture and Conflicts, Leiden: Brill, 2020, 59-74.
“Emmanuel Levinas”, “Franz Rosenzweig” and “Eliane Amado Levy-Valensi”(Hebrew), in Encyclopedia ha-ivrit, second edition.
„The Jewish Genius According to Éliane Amado Lévy-Valensi,’ in Archivio di Filosofia 89,1 (2021), 287-299.
“A Virtual Dialogue Between Gandhi and Levinas,” available online, Religions 2021, 12(6), 422;
“Gandhi’s View on Judaism and Zionism in Light of an Interreligious Theology,” available online, Religions 2021, 12: 489; https://
“The Non-Violent Liberation Theologies of Abraham Joshua Heschel and Mahatma Gandhi,” available online, Religions 2021, 12: 855;
“Redeeming Religions," in Luca Bertolino and Irene Kajon (eds.), Gebet, Praxis, Erlösung. Prayer, Praxis, Redemption (Rosenzweig Yearbook 12), Freiburg/Munich 2021, pp. 23-36.
"Gandhi and Buber on Individual and Collective Transformation." Published online in Religions 13:600 rel13070600.
With Wolfram Weisse, “Dialogical Theology and Dialogical Practice,” published in November 2022 on Scriptura’s open access web page. Available at:
“Transformatives interreligiöses Lernen,” in Gotthard Fermor, Thorsten Knauth, Rainer Möller, Andreas Obermann (eds.), Dialog und Transformation. Pluralistische Religionspädagogik im Diskurs, Münster-New York: Waxmann, 2022, 75-88.
“Modern Jewish Philosophers on Israel,” in The Palgrave International Handbook of Israel,
edited by P.R. Kumaraswamy, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. -
“The Logic of Dialogue and Dialogical Theology,” in Religions 2022, 13, 1221.
doi:10.3390/rel13121221. -
“Introduction to the Special Issue “Nonviolence and Religion” (with L. Du Toit, E. Noort and W. Palaver), Religions 2023, 14, 403.
“Preface,” in Transcendence and Revelation (Rosenzweig Yearbook 13), Freiburg/München:
Karl Alber, 2023, 5-11. -
“Oneness and Mending the World in Arthur Green’s Neo-Hasidism,” Religions 2023, 14(7), 863;
“Towards an Interreligious and Interworldview Education,” in From Interreligious Learning to Interworldview Education (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 332), edited by Didier Pollefeyt, Leuven: Peeters, 2023, 53-66.
”Post-Holocaust Theology,” St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology, edited by Brendan N. Wolfe et al., 2024, 19 pp.
Articles in Encyclopaedia Judaica (second edition)
Buber, Martin, vol. 4, 232-236.
Derrida, Jacques, vol. 5, 598-600.
Existentialism, vol. 6, 611-612 (Maurice Friedman/Ephraim Meir)
Heschel, Abraham Joshua, vol. 9, 70-72 (Fritz A. Rothschild/Ephraim Meir)
Leibowitz, Yeshayahu, vol. 12, 622-624 (Asa Kasher and Rohan Saxena/ Ephraim Meir)
Levinas, Emmanuel, vol.12, 715-717.
Lyotard, Jean-François, vol. 13, 298-299.
Rosenzweig, Franz, vol. 17, 458-462 (Ephraim Meir and Rivka G. Horwitz)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, vol. 21, 126-127.